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Busy Life

In today's fast moving world everyone are busy,especially youths and students always say "I am too busy .I don't have time" ,this is the common answer we always come across when anyone suggests to do extra stuffs like read books, do exercise etc.Now let's think,are we really that much  busy?.This question should be addressed and proper analysis should be done by every one of us.
                               In the process of analysis,let's try to find the answer in step by step.What makes us to say, we are busy ?may be the work we do for all the day. Okay fine we all have work, we do it on daily basis and that is very important,fine even that is agreed, but in reality don't we waste our time ? do we really work whole day?. I think the answer is no.
                             Now we realized that we aren't  that busy.but we still don't go one step forward and do those things, which are required to our life. Why ? the reason is we are not aware of those things.We don't try to find the purpose of our life ( It may be any thing our likes or dislikes,trying to follow our passion, this never ends the list  goes on ).Why we are not aware?,because we live in such environment where our Education system and Society never let us to know this.(indeed this it self is a huge topic, that should be covered separately)
                            At least  from now onwards let's try to live the life with purpose by developing the knowledge.Let's try to know all the necessary things that we have forgot to do,that makes our  life easy and happy.Even I try to address those thing in my next upcoming blogs, and even you share your knowledge with me and with the other people around you.  


  1. This topic really runs in everyone's mind

    Time does that reply through us that we are busy.

    "I am Busy" - now in real time means
    "No" "Not Interested"

    Nice one Shree
    Keep going

    So that i can say some of my own Thoughts.

    1. ty sada , sure we will continue this and also share your thoughts, let it benefit others. ☺️

  2. It's nice article
    Since even I thought this way as you explained in this article, anyway we have to improve our productivity in order to enhance the purpose of life by doing little things on daily basis

    1. thanks bro☺️
      yes a small step always makes big impact.


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