steps 1) log in to AWS Console step 2) select region o top right corner ( place and select mumbai region ) step 3) click on services on top left corner and select EC2 step 4) you will be redirected to instance page and it shows already running instances ....and click on lanunch instance to create new instance step 5) after clicking launch instance then select Amazon Machine Image ( which is OS type) and also click Free tier on left side step 6) select 64 bit ubauntu machine , then select t2.micro which is free tier and also shown in green color step 7) click on review and launch step 8) then choose either existing key or new key , then give key pair name and then download file. step 9) click on launch button to launch instance step 10) go to instance page then click on instance and then click on connect button then select ssh client step 11) run following command in downloads terminal ...
map is one of the most used, popular array methods in Javascript. It can also be referred as higher order function. Higher order function is a function which returns function or which accepts other functions as arguments.Let's understand about map function many times you need to take an array and modify it according to your needs and you can easily achieve this with help of map method. Syntax of map method map method accepts a callback function which is executed on each of the element of the array. Callback function can also be written using arrow syntax callback function accepts following arguments element - It is the current element being processed in the iteration Index - It is the index of current element being processed and it is optional array - array on which the map method was called and it is optional let's understand map method with an example consider...