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Happiness in technology ??

As the days are passing, the world is growing and there is an advancement in technology. Technology has influenced mankind like never before. Technology has grown to such a level that it has become part of man's life without which human life cannot be imagined. The growth of technology to such a level has improvised the comfortability of man. And of course yes it is doing its best in its way. However we are not satisfied with the comforts that we have. So we are still chasing that unsatisifiable comforts (making ourselves lazier) by seeking the help of technology. But we are relying on technology  more than required. Any how I am not  against the technology but I really want to speak about our attitudes towards it. We think that gadgets like mobile, laptop etc make us happy and hence we always look forward to buy costliest phone that has got more and more features . Having phone with crazy features is not a bad thing, infact we can really progress with it and can also make our life easier .But depending too much on it and finding happiness in those gadgets is definitely not a good practice.Indeed it will make us unhappy if we try to find happiness in those gadgets, because today we may have the newest phone which becomes old for tomorrow.
                       So, we should always find happiness from inside but not from  outside material or a things. Infact all these growth has led man to have no emotions and relational values .Unfortunately now a days we are loving the things and using the people. Many times we take care of the things but not the people .Hence we all should try to come out from the control of gadgets or the things and make them to come under our control. If they come under our control we stop finding happiness in the things and we value the relationships.


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