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There is no equal substitution for knowledge in this universe! Words fail to express the significance of knowledge.Knowledge weighs more than money, beauty, power. Knowledge increases the dignity of person. Good knowledge carves the good personality of a person, it also increases good qualities and give quality life. It also gives happiness. That is all about the glory of knowledge
                                                                 Knowledge seeking is a never ending process .Infact  man is life time student and life itself is a teacher. Ok! leave being student for life time,  but we being a student many times ignore this knowledge ,nowadays atleast right from small kids to college students most of them are ignoring the knowledge. They don’t know what they are learning! Even if they are knowing , its expiry date ends on finishing the exams. And biggest flaw is we are strictly confined to textbooks, we rarely try to know the things that are out of text , this attitude is  dragging us back from knowing the concepts in deep, this border or limitation that we have put on ourselves is not letting us to know more things that are out of text. This ignorance has resulted in lack of awareness about our surroundings. We rarely know about the plant science that gives us oxygen ,we rarely know about rivers, mountains, animals, totally we can say we are not aware of our environment we live in .We rarely know about geographic, economics and many other things, the list goes on. Of course it may not be related to our stream but its our responsibility to know at least a little. We should try to know at least a little if not everything , infact its not possible to know everything ! Hence from at least today onwards let’s try to come out the barrier that we have put on ourselves  and try to know a little more


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