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React or respond

In our environment living things responds to the stimulus, this we have all learnt in our school , its quite common that person responds to his surroundings ,whenever he receives a stimulus from surroundings , in other words we can say that for an action there is a reaction. We all know this basics!. let’s move little forward, as said earlier a person responds to an action . its natural ,but sometimes the situation will be such that , it will be not normal , in such situation we all react instead of responding !.When anyone tries to pull us down , when anyone criticize us , we suddenly react, even it is also quite common and natural that we react , when anyone provokes us , but many times we have heard that motivational speakers saying don’t react , try to respond. But sometimes the question may arise or we may feel like ‘what is wrong in reacting to the person who provoked me , let him face the consequences , because he first criticized and provoked me '. Even this is so natural that we feel nothing wrong in reacting to such persons or situations
                                 In search of solution for this question , what I felt was , in today’s world where there are more haters ,or many situations which are against us , if we keep on reacting every time , that will lead to distract ourselves  from achieving our goal . Reacting will leads to loss of focus on our goals , and make us to think again and again over a same bad situation that we had and importantly it may also make us compete with others, and comparing ourselves with others and finally making us unhappy. So to stay happy and focused on our goals we all have to learn to  Respond instead of reacting


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